Keith Mayerson Mad Love (Verrückte Liebe) 1997 Ink and cartoon cel paint on watercolor paper Tusche und Cartoon-Folienfarbe auf Aquarellpapier 30 x 22 in 76 x 56 cm
Keith Mayerson
September 7 to October 13,2018
Keith Mayerson
Otto Dix
August Wilhelm Dressler
Carl Grossberg
George Grosz
Karl Hermann Haupt
Otto Möller
Josef Scharl
Paul Wieghart
[Deutscher Text nachstehend]
Keith Mayerson (*1966) is a contemporary painter and draftsman, known for his work encompassing portraits, historical and personal scenes, landscapes, and more. The exhibition at Weiss Berlin aims to draw attention to graphic art as the foundation of painting, forming connections between satire, caricature, and the moving form of the line and the brushstroke. Mayerson’s drawings and a retrospective of his early paintings are accompanied by drawings from the Weimar Republic by Otto Dix (1891-1969), August Wilhelm Dressler (1886-1970), Carl Grossberg (1894-1940), George Grosz(1893-1959), Karl Hermann Haupt (1904-1983), Otto Möller (1883-1964), Josef Scharl (1886-1954) and Paul Wieghart (1896-1969). Mayerson’s work was strongly influenced by the works of these artists, as well as by comics and the figurative painting of the 19th and 20th centuries – together they form a lovingly dark panorama of figures and emotions.
Since 1995, Mayerson has been a professor for fine art and cartooning in New York and California. He has exhibited widely and his work is featured in the permanent collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Eröffnung: 6. September, 19 – 21 h
Ausstellung: 7. September bis 13. Oktober
Keith Mayerson (* 1966) ist ein zeitgenössischer Maler und Zeichner, dessen Arbeiten unter anderem Porträts, historische als auch familiäre Szenen und Landschaften umfassen. Die Ausstellung bei Weiss Berlin will die Aufmerksamkeit auf die grafische Kunst als Grundlage der Malerei lenken, und dabei Zusammenhänge bilden zwischen Satire, Karikatur, und der bewegenden Form der Linie und des Pinselduktus. Mayersons Zeichnungen und eine Retrospektive seiner frühen Gemälde werden mit Zeichnungen aus der Zeit der Weimarer Republik von Otto Dix (1891-1969), August Wilhelm Dressler (1886-1970), Carl Grossberg (1894-1940), George Grosz(1893-1959), Karl Hermann Haupt (1904-1983), Otto Möller (1883-1964), Josef Scharl (1886-1954) und Paul Wieghart (1896-1969) zusammen gezeigt. Mayersons Arbeit wurde stark von den Werken dieser Künstler beeinflusst, ebenso wie von Comics und der figurativen Malerei des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts – gemeinsam bilden sie ein liebevoll-dunkles Panorama von Figuren und Gefühlen.
Seit 1995 ist Mayerson als Professor für bildende Kunst und Cartoon in New York und Kalifornien tätig. Seine Werke sind unter anderem in den permanenten Sammlungen des Whitney Museum of American Art, des Museum of Modern Art, New York, des Los Angeles County Art Museum, des San Francisco Museum for Modern Art und des Cleveland Museum of Art.

Otto Dix Josef Nierendorf mit Gelbsucht (Josef Nierendorf with Jaundice) 1923 Watercolor over pencil on paper Aquarell über Bleistift auf Papier 21.5 x 17.5 in 55 x 45 cm

George Grosz Freudenlos lebte die Schöne (Pleasureless Lived the Beauty) 1921/1922 India ink on paper Tuschpinsel auf Papier 22 x 17 in 56 x 43 cm

Keith Mayerson Untitled (Johan) 1997 Ink on watercolor paper Tusche auf Aquarellpapier 30 x 22 in 76 x 56 cm

Josef Scharl Hockender Mann im dunklen Anzug (Crouching Man in Dark Suit) 1937 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 31.5 x 25.5 in 80 x 65 cm

Keith Mayerson Yuppie Zombie - From Life (Yuppie Zombie – nach dem Leben gezeichnet) 2004 Mixed media on watercolor paper Mischtechnik auf Aquarellpapier 14 x 10 in 36 x 26 cm

Keith Mayerson Skeleton Man (Skelett-Mann) 1993 Mixed media on vellum Mischtechnik auf Pergament 10 x 8 in 26 x 20 cm

Josef Scharl Mann mit Schirmmütze (Man with Cap) 1934 Color brush on paper Farbpinsel auf Papier 15.5 x 12.5 in 40 x 32 cm

Paul Wieghardt O.T. Ca. 1928 Pencil on paper Bleistift auf Papier 9 x 11 in 23 x 28 cm

Keith Mayerson Gold James Dean 2004 Mixed media on watercolor paper Mischtechnik auf Aquarellpapier 12 x 9 in 31 x 23 cm

Paul Wieghardt O.T. Ca. 1928 Pencil on paper Bleistift auf Papier 14 x 10.5 in 35 x 27 cm

Keith Mayerson Cadinot 1998 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 18 x 24 in 46 x 61 cm

Karl Hermann Haupt Selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait) Ca. 1922 Watercolor over pencil on paper Aquarell über Bleistift auf Papier 9 x 7 in 23 x 18 cm

Keith Mayerson Andrew Tondo 1998 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen ø 40 cm ø 15.5 in

Keith Mayerson Mike Myers 1997 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 11 x 14 in 28 x 35 cm

Keith Mayerson I Fell Asleep with my Contacts Again (Ich bin wieder mit meinen Kontaktlinsen eingeschlafen) 2004 Ink on paper Tusche auf Papier 12 x 16 in 31 x 41 cm

Keith Mayerson A Child Is Being Beaten (Ein Kind wird geschlagen) 2000 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinwand Four panels, each 12 x 8 in Vier Tafeln, je 31 x 20 cm

Keith Mayerson Alchemy of the Word (Alchemie des Wortes) 2003 Ink on watercolor paper Tusche auf Aquarellpapier 14 x 11 in 36 x 28 cm

Keith Mayerson Megadeath 2000 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 20 x 18 in 51 x 46 cm

George Grosz Pensioniert (Retired) 1920 India ink on paper Tuschfeder auf Papier 24.5 x 19.5 in 62 x 50 cm

Otto Möller Liegende in rotem Kleid (Lying Woman in Red Dress) 1908 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 19.5 x 23.5 in 50 x 60 cm

Keith Mayerson Red River 1997 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 18 x 24 in 46 x 61 cm

Josef Scharl Paar (Couple) 1932 Gouache 13.5 x 17.5 in 34 x 45 cm

Keith Mayerson O.K. Computer - Boy by the Window (O.K. Computer - Junge am Fenster) 2001 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 20 x 12 in 50 x 30,5 cm

Keith Mayerson Blueboy 2001 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 20 x 15 in 50 x 38 cm

Josef Scharl Sieben Spießer-Typen (Seven Philistine Types) 1939 Pencil on paper Bleistift auf Papier 12 x 8.5 in 30 x 21 cm

Carl Grossberg Weimar, Straßenansicht mit Turm (Weimar, Street View with Tower) 1920 Ink and watercolor on paper Feder und Aquarell auf Papier 14.5 x 12.5 in 37 x 32 cm

Carl Grossberg Halle vor Grabkreuzen (Hall in Front of Burial Crosses) 1922 Ink and watercolor on paper Feder und Aquarell auf Papier 11 x 14 in 28 x 35 cm

Keith Mayerson Blue Park Berlin (Blauer Park Berlin) 2018 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 10 x 15 in 25 x 38 cm

Josef Scharl Bergwerk mit Förderturm (Mine with Lift Tower) 1937 India ink on paper Tuschpinsel auf Papier 15 x 19.5 in 38 x 50 cm

Keith Mayerson Hamlet 1999 1997 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 11 x 14 in 28 x 35 cm

George Grosz Verlobung (Engagement) Ca.1922 Reed pen on paper Rohrfeder auf Papier 25 x 19.5 in 63 x 50 cm

George Grosz Auf der Pirsch (On the Prowl) 1919 India ink on paper Tuschfeder auf Papier 12.5 x 9.5 in 32 x 24 cm

Keith Mayerson Red Cat (Rote Katze) 1995 Oil on wood Öl auf Holz 33 x 24 in 83 x 60 cm

Otto Möller Graugestreifte Katze zwischen Gräsern (Gray Striped Cat Between Grasses) 1935 Oil on wood Öl auf Holzplatte 24 x 19.5 in 61 x 50 cm

Keith Mayerson Green Cat – Woyzeck (Grüne Katze – Woyzeck) 1994 Oil on wood Öl auf Holz 5,5 x 4 in 14 x 10 cm

Keith Mayerson Red Pug (Roter Mops) 1994 Oil on wood Öl auf Holz 8.5 x 5 in 19 x 10 cm

Keith Mayerson Dogs in Ecstasy (Hunde in Ekstase) 1994 Oil on wood Öl auf Holz 8.5 x 9.5 in 21 x 23 cm

Keith Mayerson Julian and Rosa 2011 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 30 x 22 in 76 x 56 cm

Otto Dix Rothaar-Artistin (Red-haired artist) 1922 Watercolor on paper Aquarell auf Papier 19.5 x 14.5 in 49 x 37 cm

Keith Mayerson Queer Activists at Suedblock in Berlin (Queere Aktivisten am Südblock in Berlin) 2018 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 12 x 18 in 31 x 46 cm

George Grosz Akrobatentänze 5 (Acrobats Dancing 5) 1915 Ink on paper Tuschfeder auf Papier 10.5 x 8 in 27 x 21 cm

Keith Mayerson Berlin Party Girl on Oranienstrasse 2018 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinen 12 x 8 in 30 x 20 cm

Paul Wieghardt O.T. Ca. 1942 Ink on paper Tusche auf Papier 8.5 x 11 in 22 x 28 cm

Keith Mayerson Berlin Track and Field Awards (Leichtathletikmeisterschaft Berlin) 2018 Oil on linen Öl auf Leinwand 12 x 8 in 30 x 20 cm

Paul Wieghardt O.T. Ca. 1928 Pencil on paper Bleistift auf Papier 11.5 x 9 in 29 x 23 cm

Keith Mayerson I was Falling Towards the Earth (Ich fiel auf die Erde zu) 2001 Ink and watercolor on watercolor paper Tusche und Aquarell auf Aquarellpapier 22.5 x 18 in 57 x 45 cm

Keith Mayerson The Judgement of Paris – Galliano (Das Urteil von Paris – Galliano) 2009 Watercolor on paper Mischtechnik auf Aquarellpapier 16 x 12 in 41 x 31 cm

Keith Mayerson Backstage at Armani 2009 Mixed media on watercolor paper Mischtechnik auf Aquarellpapier 14 x 10 in 36 x 26 cm

On the Road: Andrew and Michelangelo in the James Dean Porsche at the Grand Canyon, 2016 Oil on linen 23 x 30 cm
Keith Mayerson
My American Dream: Berlin Edition
September 22 to October 29,2016
We are honored to present My American Dream: Berlin Edition, Keith Mayerson’s first exhibition with Weiss Berlin. My American Dream: Berlin Edition is a new chapter of a ten-year project to represent and complicate the fiction of America and the possibilities of its painterly representation. Mayerson, an acclaimed draftsman and professor for both fine art and cartooning, has also published a number of graphic novels, among them Horror Hospital Unplugged with Dennis Cooper (1996/2011). This show combines oil paintings, drawings, and graphic works. My American Dream: Berlin Edition presents works arranged by three themes: Destiny, Pioneers, and Rebels. Destiny comprises paintings of landscapes and sites important to Mayerson’s narrative such as the Rocky Mountains and Elvis’ Memphis home, Graceland. The drawings in Pioneers feature civil rights leaders and powerful cultural icons such as Harriet Tubman and César Chávez – whose portraits are drawn with graphite a pastel colors on velour paper, creating a sense of strange softness and three-dimensionality but at the same time amplifying colors – making the top of a “VOTE”-badge on César Chávez appear like a wildly colored caterpillar. Rebels features paintings representing James Dean, as well as the graphic novel James Dean: My Life in Pictures.
Keith Mayerson is a contemporary painter, known for his work encompassing portraits, historical scenes, landscapes, and more. Through his paintings, Mayerson creates broader narratives, citing comic books as an inspiration and influence. Mayerson has exhibited widely and his work is featured in the permanent collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Cleveland Museum of Art, and the Columbus Museum of Art.

El Paso del Norte: the US/Mexico Border, 2016 Oil on linen 31 x 56 cm

Sunset at the Grand Canyon, 2016 Oil on linen 31 x 46 cm 12 x 18 in

Sunrise at the Grand Canyon, 2016 Oil on linen 38 x 26 cm 15 x 10 in

Elvis at Graceland, 2016 Oil on linen 31 x 20 cm 12 x 8 in

Graceland, 2016 Oil on linen 50 x 40 cm 20 x 16 in

Today we took a Hike in the Wild, Wild West: Tenmile Range, Summit County, Colorado, 2016 Oil on linen 41 x 60 cm

Annie Oakley, 2016 Pen, ink, and watercolor 33 cm diameter 13 in diameter

Sitting Bull, 2016 Pastel and mixed media on watercolor paper 50 cm diameter 20 in diameter

Billy the Kid, 2016 Watercolor on watercolor paper 40 x 29 cm 16 x 17 in

Pancho Villa, 2016 Watercolor and qraphite on watercolor paper 56 x 77 cm 22 x 30 in

Harriett Tubman, 2016 Pastel and graphite on velour paper 43 x 35 cm

Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X, Pastel and graphite on velour paper 50 x 70 cm

Cesar Chavez, 2016 Graphite and pastel on velour paper 43 x 35 cm 17 x 14 in

Scott Smith and Harvey Milk, 2016 Watercolor and graphite on watercolor paper 56 x 77 cm 22 x 30 in

Rebel, 2005 Oil on linen 76 x 76 cm

Installation view

East of Eden, 2004 Oil on linen 25 x 75 cm

Edna Ferber and James Dean, 2007 Oil on linen 71 x 61 cm 28 x 24 in

The James Dean Family Farmhouse, 2011-2012 Oil on linen 91 x 122 cm

James Dean: My Life in Pictures Graphic Novel in Progress, 2016 Pen and ink on paper 41 x 31 cm

Installation view

Julian and Rosa, 2011 Oil on linen 76 x 56 cm 30 x 22 in
Keith Mayerson
Born 1966 in Cincinnati
Lives and works in New York and Riverside (CA)
Solo Exhibitions (selected)
My American Dream: Heroes and Villain
Marlborough Contemporary at Marlborough Gallery
New York, United States -
Love / Liebe, with works by Otto Dix, George Grosz, Josef Scharl, and more, Weiss Berlin, Berlin, Germany
My American Dream, Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, United States
My American Dream: Berlin Edition, Weiss Berlin, Berlin, Germany
My American Dream, Marlborough Chelsea, New York, United States
Iconoscapes,Freddy Gallery, Baltimore
My American Dream: Frontiersman, David Shelton Gallery, Houston, United States
My American Dream (Prologue), Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
My American Dream, Whitney Biennal, New York, United States -
My American Dream, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
Life, Art & Fashion, Shaheen Modern & Contemporary Art, Cleveland, United States
Iconscapes: 1995-1999, Knoedler Gallery, New York, United States -
My Modern Life, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
Good Leaders, Endangered Species, Ships at Sea, 80WSE, New York, United States -
Souvenirs, The Bakery – Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Both Sides Now: A Selection of Drawings 1992-2009, Paul Kasmin Gallery (project room), New York, United States -
Good Leaders, Endangered Species, Ships At Sea, Part II, Derek Eller Gallery, New York City
Good Leaders, Endangered Species, Ships At Sea, Kim Light / Lightbox, Los Angeles, California -
Friends & Family, Shaheen Modern & Contemporary Art, Cleveland, United States
Kings & Queens, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
Heroes, Gallery Alain Noirhomme, Brussels, Belgium -
Rebel Angels at the End of the World, QED Gallery, Los Angeles, United States
Hamlet 1999, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
Hamlet 1999 Pt. 3, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
Illuminations, The Fifth International, New York, United States
Paintings and Drawings, Jay Gorney Modern Art, New York, United States
Monty’s Dream: The Sleeper In The Valley, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles, United States
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell!, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles, United States
Pinocchio the Big Fag, Kiki Gallery, San Francisco, United States
Group Exhibitions (selected)
Keith Mayerson, Julius von Bismarck, Werner Büttner,The Armory Show 2017, Marlborough Contemporary, Booth 838, Pier 94, New York, United States
Drawing Island, The Journal Gallery, New York, United States
Heartbreak Hotel, Invisible-Exports, New York, United States -
Landscapes, Marlborough Chelsea, New York, United States
2 Years of Looking, New Arts Projects, New York, United States
Logic Frog, Allen & Eldride, New York, United States
Foundation Barbin Presents: Redeux (sort of), Kai Matsumiya Gallery, New York, United states -
America is Hard to See, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, United States
EAGLES II, Galeria Marlborough Madrid, Madrid, Spain -
Inaugural Exhibition, Sarah Gavlak Gallery, Los Angeles, United States
The Great Figure, Journal Gallery, New York, United States
Keith Mayerson and Peter Saul, Robert Blumenthal Gallery, New York, United States
Don’t Look Now, Zach Feuer Gallery, New York, United States
The One’s Optimistic, New Britain Museum of Art, New Britain (CT), United States
Parallel Myths, David Shelton Gallery, Houston, United States -
All F@*#ing Summer, Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach (FL), United States
Come Together: Surviving Sandy, Industry City, New York, United States
Jew York, Zach Feuer Gallery, New York, United States -
All I Want Is A Picture of You, Angles Gallery, Los Angeles, United States
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Second Guest, New York, United States
The End, Vogt Gallery, New York, United States
Group Shoe, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, New York, United States
It’s Always Summer On The Inside, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, United States
B-OUT, Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York, United States -
Put Up or Shut Up, New York Academy of Art, New York, United States
Keith Mayerson: Horror Hospital Unplugged, Dominic McGill: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
8 Americans, Alain Noirhomme, Brussels, Belgium
Joni, Kathleen Cullen Fine Arts, New York, United States -
The Pencil Show, Foxy Productions, New York, United States
NeoIntegrity: Comics Edition, Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art, New York, United States
Wall-To-Wall, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, United States
Ink Plots: The Tradition of The Graphic Novel at SVA, Visual Arts Gallery, New York, United States
The Boneyard, Kim Light/Lightbox, Los Angeles, United States
2D/3D Paintings by Keith Mayerson, Sculpture by Kent Henriksen, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn, United States -
Figuratively Seeing, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, United States
The Never-Ending Story: Fairy Tales, Fantasy Obsession, Royal/T, Culver City (CA), United States
Out Of Order, Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York, United States
The Tree, James Cohan Gallery, New York, United States
Naked, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, United States
New Acquisitions, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, United States -
Peanut Gallery, The Journal Gallery, New York, United States
THINGS BEHIND THE SUN, PHIL, Los Angeles, United States
a new high in getting low II, John Connelly Presents, New York, United States
Summer Group Exhibition, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
Friends and Family, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, United States
Kiki: The Proof Is In The Pudding, Ratio 3, San Francisco, United States
The Guys We Would Fuck, Monya Rowe Gallery, New York, United States
History Keeps Me Awake At Night: A Genealogy of Wojnarowicz, PPOW Gallery, New York, United States
Artist As Publisher, The Center For Book Arts, New York, United States
ambivalent figuration; people, Samson Projects, Boston, United States -
Joey Bradley, Ann Craven, Dna Frankfort, Keith Mayerson, Zach Feuer Gallery, New York, United States
Genesis, I’m sorry, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, United States -
Inaugural Group Exhibition, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, NY, United States
Likeness (Portraits from All Angles), Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington (MA), United States
Summer Group Exhibition, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
How I finally accepted Fate, EFA Gallery, New York, United States
This Name Of The Show IS Not GAY ART NOW, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, United States
Salon, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, United States -
On Paper: Drawings from the 1960’s to the Present, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, United States
The Most Splendid Apocalypse, PPOW Gallery, New York, United States
This Hard Gem-Like Flame, Angstrom Gallery, New York, United States -
The Sublime is (Still) Now, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, United States
Under The Sun, Greener Pastures Contemporary Art, Canada
Rimbaud, I-20, New York, United States
Let The Bullshit Run A Marathon, Nicole Klagsbrun, New York, United States -
You, Royal Modern, New York, United States
K48, Deitch Projects Williamsburg, New York, United States
Now Playing, D’Amelio Terras Gallery, New York, United States
Drawings, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
A New New York Scene – K48 Teenage Rebel; The Bedroom Show, Gallerie du Jour at Agnes B, Paris, France
Magazine (K48: Do Not Provoke Us), Marres, Maastricht, Netherlands
Hothouse, Contemporary Floras, Gallery of Arts and Science, New York, United States -
Landscape, Derek Eller Gallery, New York, United States
25th Anniversary Selections Exhibition, The Drawing Center, New York, United States -
Group Exhibition, American Fine Art at PHAG, New York, United States
Refiguring Painting, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, United States -
Fore and Aft, Acme, Los Angeles, United States
Recent Acquisitions, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, United States -
Young New York Painters, Baldwin Gallery, Aspen, United States
The Stroke, Exit Art, New York, United States -
Inaugural Show, The Fifth International, New York, United States
Bathroom, Thomas Healy Gallery, New York, United States
he swam down, away, Audiello Fine Art Inc., New York, United States
Painting: Now and Forever, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, United States
Codex USA: Works on Paper by American Artists, Entwistle Gallery, London, United Kingdom
More, XL Gallery, New York, United States
View 3, Mary Boone Gallery, New York, nited States
Francis Alys, Keith Mayerson, Franklin Preston, Hiroshi Sugito, Audiello Fine Art Inc., New York, United States -
Paintings and Sculpture, Luhring Augustine, New York, United States
Three Painters, Musee d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France -
Young, Dumb, and Fun, University of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, United States
The Name of the Place, Casey Kaplan Gallery, New York, United States
The Incredible Power of Cheap Sentiment, White Columns, New York, United States
Annual Summer Watercolor Exhibition, PPOW Gallery, New York, United States -
Stretch Out & Wait, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles, United States
Degenerative Art Show, The Lab, San Francisco, United States
The Moderns, Feature Gallery, New York, United States
Faggots, Rojes Foundation, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina -
Playfield, Rio Hondo College, Whittier (CA), United States
Stonewall 25, White Columns, New York, United States
Dave’s Not Here Show, Three Day Weekend, Los Angeles, United States
Red Rover, Three Day Weekend, Los Angeles, United States
Tiny Shoes, New Langton Arts, San Francisco, United States
Selection Spring ’94, The Drawing Center, New York, United States -
Steve Cirque, Keith Mayerson, Tyler Stallings, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles, United States
Sick Joke, Kiki Gallery, San Francisco, United States -
MFA University of California, Irvine, United States
BA Brown University, Providence, United States
Bibliography (selected)
Phipps, Laura, “Pacific Coast Issue”, New American Paintings, January (link)
Howard, Katie, “Keith Mayerson in My American Dream @ Marlborough Chelsea”, Art Blog Dog Blog, December 19 (link)
Indrisek, Scott, “7 Must-See Gallery Shows in New York”, Blouin Artinfo, December 16 (link)
Wolin, Joseph R., “Critic’s pick – Keith Mayerson: My American Dream”, Time Out New York, December 5 (link)
Pollack, Maika, “Keith Mayerson”, Interview, November 10 (link)
Lehrer, Adam, “Artist Keith Mayerson’s Meta-Narrative of Appropriated Americana Explored in “My American Dream” at Marlborough Chelsea in New York”, Autre, November 5 (link)
Brown, Jeffrey, “Whitney Museum opens more space for risk-taking artists”, PBS News Hour, April 30 (link)
Johnson, Paddy, “At the Whitney: Industry, Advertising, and Death Makes America Hard to See”, Art F City, April 27 (link)
Russeth, Andrew, “The Whitney Opens With a Winner”, ARTnews, April 23 (link)
Indrisek, Scott, “The Whitney, Chapter by Chapter: How to See 100-Plus Years of Art in One Day”, Blouin Artinfo, April 23 (link)
Mogilevskaya, Regina, “Prewiew: America is Hard to See at the Whitney”, Blouin Artinfo, April 23 (link)
Bilsborough, Michael, “Course of Empire”, SVA Continuing Education Blog, April 23 (link)
Shaw, Dash, “Go Burn Brightly”, American Book Review, Volume 36, Number 2, January/February 2015, p. 4
Shelton, David, “David Shelton Reports from the Dallas Arts Fair”, PaperCity, April 17 (link)
Lin, Allie, “Iconoscapes at Freddy, Flowers at Franklin Street”, Post Office Arts Journal, January 25 (link) -
Russeth, Andrew, “20 Things to Do in New York’s Art World Before July 14”, New York Observer’s Gallerist, July 7 (link)
Mayerson, Keith, “Dreamtime”, Artforum.com, July 7
Installation image, Artforum Reviews opening section, Artforum, May, pp. 308-309
Molesworth, Helen. “Whitney Biennial: Whitney Museum of Art”, Artforum, May, pp 310-311
Pollack, Barbara, “2014 Whitney Biennal, Whitney Museum”, ARTnews, May, pp. 90-91
Clinton, Paul/Lord, Catherine, “Queer Time and Place”, FRIEZE no. 163, May, p. 187
Viveros-Fauné, Christian. “Why This Year’s Whitney Biennial Should Be Seen Through a (Slightly) Rose-Colored Lens: Proceed with Optimism,” The Village Voice, March 19
Saltz, Jerry. “Sapphires in the Mud: There’s a smart show buried in this big bland Whitney Biennial,” New York Magazine, March 10, pp. 131.
Boatright, Kristen. “Guest Curators Talk 2014 Whintey Biennial,” Artinfo, March 10
Powers, Bill. “The 2014 Whitney Biennial at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York,” purpleDIARY, March 10
McGarry, Kevin. “Art Matters: The Whitney Biennial’s Last Upper East Side Hurrah,” The New York Times, T Magazine Online, March 7
DeFore, John. “2014 Whitney Biennial: Five Hot Artists to Watch,” The Hollywood Reporter, March 7
Matorin, David. “Spring/Break Art Show Brings a Focus on the Personal,” Art F CIty, March 7
“Your Guide to the Artists of the 2014 Whitney Biennial,” The Huffington Post,March 6
Russeth, Andrew. “The 2014 Whitney Biennial Disappoints, with Misfires, Omissions, Only Glimmers of Greatness,” Gallerist, March 6
Halle, Howard, “Review: 2014 Whitney Biennial,” TImeOut New York, Thursday, March 6
Vartanian, Hrag. “2014 Whitney Biennial: Stuart Comer on the Third Floor,”Hyperallergic, March 5.
Zevitas, Steven. “Must See Painting Shows: March 2014,” The Huffington Post, March 4
Indrisek, Scott. “103 Reasons to Visit the 2014 Whitney Biennial,”BlackBook, March 5
Vogel, Carol. “State of Our Art, According the Whitney: A Guide to the 2014 Whitney Museum Beinnial,” The New York Times, February 28, pp. C21. -
Russeth, Andrew. “The Year in, and Beyond, the Galleries,” Gallerist, December 19
Zevitas, Steven, “14 Painters (+2) to Watch in 2014”, Huffington Post (online), December 20
Smith, Roberta, “Last Chance: Keith Mayerson, My American Dream,” New York Times, Friday, May 24, pg. C18
Hamer, Katy, “My American Dream,” Keith Mayerson @ Derek Eller, NY, Eyes Towards the Dove (online), Monday, May 20
Bilsborough, Michael, “Northern Lights,” (My American Dream exhibition review), SVA Continuing Education Blog, May 8
McGarry, Kevin, “Sketch Troup,” V Magazine, vol. 83, Summer, 2013, pg. 38
Chang, Stella, “My American Dream Exhibition,” Rambling Masterpiece (online), May.
Penn, Asher, “Keith Mayerson” (Interview), SEX Magazine #2
Kazakina, Katya, “Martha Graham Sets, Older Artists in Westbeth Flooding,” Bloomberg.com, Nov. 3 -
Russeth, Andrew, “Chelsea Galleries Begin Recovery Work,” Gallerist, NY Observer.com Nov. 1
”We Went to NADA,” Art Fag City, May 8
Belasco, Daniel, “Suturing In: Anne Frank as Conceptual Model for Visual Art,” Anne Frank Unbound: Media/Imagination/Memory, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Jeffrey Shandler, eds. Indiana University Press
”Slideshow, Art from NADA 2012,” Blouin Artinfo, May 8
Herman, Sasha, “NADA New York 2012 Preview,” NY Observer.com, April 30
Miller, Michael H., Rozalia Jovanowitz, Andrew Rosseth “Gallerist’s Frieze Week in Pictures,” NY Observer.com, May 7
D’Agostino, Paul, “Big Art Fairs Swarm NYC This Weekend,” The L Magazine
“Something for NADA,” Art + Auction, May
“Interview with Dan McCarthy” (commissioned catalog interview), “Dan McCarthy,” Suzanne Tarasieve Gallery, Paris -
Price, Ada. “Pioneering Garphic Novel, ‘Horror Hospital Unplugged,’ Back in Print,” Publishers Weekly.com, October
Wollen, Joseph, “Joni Mitchell,” TimeOutNY, January 28 -
Smith, Roberta, “Keith Mayerson: My Modern Life,” The New York Times,
November 12
Russeth, Andrew, “Keith Mayerson: My Modern Life,” Artinfo.com/Modern Painters, November 4
“The View Master,” The New York Observor.com, October 26
Finch, Charlie, “Eleventh Avenue Ramble, ” Artnet.com Magazine, October 25 Saltz, Jerry, “Ask an Art Critic,” Artnet.com and NY Magazine, “Vulture”, October 18
Wollen, Joe. “Neo-Integrity: Comics Edition,” Time Out New York, August 10
Le Hay, Benjamin-Emile, “Artists Nate Lowman and Keith Mayerson Take a Long, Hard Look at Humanity,” Black Book Art Review, August 17
Phillips, Brad, “Keith Mayerson,” (interview), Hunter and Cook 06, Summer
Saltz, Jerry, “Remembrances of Louise Bourgois’s Salons,” New York Magazine.com, June 3
“Neo-Integrity at MoCCA,” Publisher’s Weekly The Beat, March 31
Sokol, Brett, “36 Hours in Cleveland,” The New York Times, September 20
“Bang for your Buck,” Art + Auction, July-August -
Heller, Fran, “Art Museum’s New East Wing is a Celebration of Firsts,” Cleveland Jewish News, Friday, July 3
Litt, Steven, “Cleveland Museum of Art Displays New Acquisitions in East Wing,” The Plain Dealer, Cleveland,
Time Out Amsterdam (image and listing), June
Cotter, Holland. “Peanut Gallery,” The New York Times, Art Review, Jan 29 2008 -
“Keith Mayerson,” The New Yorker, Galleries – Chelsea, November 10
“History Keeps Me Awake At Night,” The New Yorker, Galleries – Chelsea, August 4
Cotter, Holland. “History Keeps Me Awake At Night,” The New York Times, July 25
Vogel, Traci. “Time in a Bottle,” San Francisco Weekly, July 9-15, Vol. 27, No. 24
Greenfield, Beth. “Body of Influence.” Time Out New York, Issue 667, Jul 10-16 Rosenberg, Karen. “A New High in Getting Low,” The New York Times, Mar 7 -
“Joe Bradley / Ann Craven / Dana Frankfort / Keith Mayerson,” The New Yorker, Galleries – Chelsea, August 20
Cotter, Holland. “When the Curator Is Also an Artist, Go Ahead, Expect
Surprises,” The New York Times, August 9 -
White, Roger, “Keith Mayerson Kings and Queens,” The Brooklyn Rail, Dec
05/Jan 07, Artseen p. 44
Gelber, Eric. “James Reilly and Keith Mayerson,” artcritical.com, December Wolin, Joseph R., “Keith Mayerson,” Time Out New York, Nov 23-29, p. 99
Gelber, Eric. “Of Groups – and Individuals,” The New York Sun, Nov 16 -
Knight, Christopher. “Fresh, original voices in L.A.: A deceptive look at a mythic figures,” Los Angeles Times, October 28
Ammirati, Dominic. “Keith Mayerson,” Artforum, February. p. 175 -
Smith, Roberta. “Keith Mayerson,” The New York Times, December 24
Speers Mears, Emily. “Keith Mayerson,” Artforum.com, December 13
Smith, Roberta. “Rimbaud,” The New York Times, July 30, p. E35
Levin, Kim. “Rimbuad,” The Village Voice, July 28
Johnson, Ken. “The Sublime is (Still) Now,” The New York Times, June 11
Walker, Kelley. “Top Ten,” Artforum, April
Cohen, Michael. “Keith Mayerson,” artUS, April – May -
Cotter, Holland. “Keith Mayerson,” The New York Times, December 12
Mmirati, Domenick. “Critic’s Pick: You,” Arforum.com, October -
Kannenberg Jr., Gene. “Read All (or Some) About It,” X-Tra, Vol. 3,
No. 3, Spring
The Comics Journal, Issue No.242, April, p. 68-69
“Landscape,” Time Out New York, Reviews, February 21, Issue No. 334 -
Herbert, Martin. “Codex USA,” (Review), Time Out, London, page 51
Rimanelli, David. “Painting Now and Forever,” Listings, The New Yorker, June- July
Duncan, Michael. “Keith Mayerson at Jay Gorney,” Art in America, Reviews, June, p. 107
Johnson, Ken. “View Three,” The New York Times, Reviews, May 1, p. E43
Drenner, Craig. “View Three,“ NY Arts Magazine, May, p. 29
Mayerson, Keith. “Guest Room With a View,” Paper, May, p. 49 (illus.)
James, Merlin. “New York: Recent Painting,” Burlington Magazine, London, February, p. 65-67
Still, Torri. “Filling the Canvas,” Brown Alumni Monthly, January/February, p. 38- 43 -
Schwendener, Martha. “Keith Mayerson,” Time Out New York, Nov. 20-27, p. 47 Mayerson, Keith. “Self Portrait,” The New Yorker, Nov. 10, p. 28 (illus.)
Arning, Bill. “Keith Mayerson,” Bomb, November
”Keith Mayerson,” (Interview), Dangerous Drawings, Juno Books, New York Featured Artist, Honcho, November, p.66-67
Carter, Holland. ““The Name of the Place,” The New York Times, Reviews, Febrary 24
Tom, Karen. “Horror Hospital Unplugged,” Cover, Volume 11, Number 5, p. 59 Hainley, Bruce. “Horror Hospital Unplugged,” Index, May, pg. 79
Marston, Jayson. ““Horror Hospital Unplugged,” Drummer, August, vol. 208, p. 49-50
“Horror Hospital Unplugged,” Library Journal, April 1
“Horror Hospital Unplugged,” Attitude, London, March, p. 22
“Cult Fiction,” Gay Times, London, February, p. 69
“Horror Hospital Unplugged,” Bay Area Gaurdian, Literature Section, February
Knight, Christopher. ”Review,” Los Angeles Times, April 10, Section F, p. 6
Pagel, David. “Keith Mayerson,” Art Issues, September/October, p. 40 -
Cooper, Dennis, and Keith Mayerson. Horror Hospital Unplugged, Juno Books, NY
“PW’s Best Books,” Publisher’s Weekly, November 4, P. 57
“Horror Hospital Unplugged,” Publisher’s Weekly, September 23, p. 71
Rimanelli, David. ‘The Young and the Feckless: Keith Mayerson’s comic rock
novel,” OUT, October, p. 66
“A Brilliant Chick Parody,” OUT, August
Greene, David A. “Review,” ART & TEXT, January, p. 71
FRAMEWORK, Volume 7, issue 3, p. 23-26 (illus.) -
Red Hot + Bothered: The Indie Rock Guide to Dating, Volumes 1 (pp. 11, 21) & Volume 2 (Back Cover) (illustrations), magazine produced by the Red Hot Organization, included with album compilations
Michel, Deborah. “The Himbos are Coming! The Himbos are Coming!” BUZZ, April, p. 59 -
Relyea, Lane. “Openings: Keith Mayerson,” Artforum, April 1994, p. 92 Helfland, Glen. “Sympathy For the Devil,” San Francisco Weekly, April 6, 1994, Vol. XII, no. 6, p. 19.
Duncan, Michael. “LA Rising,” Art in America, December, p. 72
Myers, Terry R. “On View: Los Angeles,” New Art Examiner, December, p. 36
Pagel, David. “Art Review: Convention Unites with Gay Fantasy,” Los Angeles Times, October 6, p. F4
Mayerson, Keith. “Family Value Cartoons,” Faultline, May, p. 39-43
Saltz, Jerry, “L.A. Rising,” Art & Auction, April, page 88
Atkins, Robert. “Queer For You,” Village Voice, June 28
Bonnetti, David. “Gallery Watch: Give ‘em that ‘ol tired religion,” San Francisco Examiner, April 15, p. D10
Cotter, Holland. “The Joys of Childhood Reexamined,” The New York Times, March 25, p. C30
Bonnetti, David. “A Queer Way To Look At Pinocchio,” San Francisco Examiner, Friday, November, p. E10
Helfland, Glen. “Art,” San Francisco Weekly, November 17, p. 15# -
Provenzano, Jim. “Pinocchio Queerified,” Bay Area Reporter, vol. XXIII, November 18, section II
Snook, Raven. “Cameo’s: K. Mayerson’s “A Child Is Being Beaten,” The Village Voice, August 7, p. 100